
Apr 221 min

Happy Earth Day!  

Let's celebrate this beautiful planet we call home and remember the importance of taking care of our environment every day. Whether it's planting trees, reducing waste, or appreciating the natural beauty around us, every small action counts. Let's work together to make Earth a healthier and more sustainable place for generations to come

As a business we are conscious of our responsibility to the environment and a couple of things that we do to contribute is:

* plant 600 trees yearly for Trees For Life (SA) 

* Have planted a #butterfly garden & encourage educational information in our homes for our guests

* Vehicle for business is a hybrid vehicle

* Member of @butterfly_conservation_sa 

* Recycle facilities offered at the homes

* Recycle & support Kesab 

* Environmentally friendly business

BOOK to stay in one of our Home away from home for your next holiday in South Australia  - knowing you are supporting a business that cares about the environment.

 #EarthDay #CelebrateOurPlanet #tourism #seesouthaustralia #adelaideaccommodation #international #Interstate #lovenature #beenvironmentallyfriendly #travel #Getaway #water
