Why not lock in the dates of 4-9th March 2023 and attend the Adelaide Festival Writers' Week in Adelaide,South Australia......
This event will be held at Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden (Adelaide), Kaurna Country, on the above dates.
Louise Adler AM, Director of Adelaide Writers' Week shares "The best writing shows us that our inner lives are made richer by context, by encounters real or imagined." Join us for conversations that transcend the banal, elude the everyday; conversations that will change your mind, be exhilarated by discovering new voices and honor writers who have shaped our reading habits and been beloved companions for many years. " So many of Adelaide Style Accommodation customers enjoy visiting Adelaide for this event alone. So if you are looking for a lovely self-contained home, within walking distance to this event - please book direct. Have a question before you book? Please contact via phone or email.
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